please scroll down for activities "back in time" or click on News-Action for other time periods
23 June 2017 - Direct reply by the Deputy Premier Minister Rockliff to Quentin's email regarding the changes of status for the coastal freshwater wetland at Seymour. (Link to letter)
22 June 2017 - Meeting in Bicheno by Quentin and Fiona to discuss the Draft Gorse Eradication Strategy for Seymour Wetlands Restoration.
14 June 2017 - Polly informs of Parks and Wildlife withdrawal from the proposed cat trapping next week due to lack of animal welfare and organisational procedures. Polly and the Green Army will be at Seymour AM 15 June for a camera trapping exercise and some weeding.
13 June 2017 - Apologies from Polly for postponing the cat trapping planned for 14-16 June to June 19-21 for personal reasons.
7 June 2017 - Polly writes via email re commencement of cat trapping on 14-16 June.
31 May 2017 - Rob from Tas Eco Mulching continued with his work for BODC and started at the southern side of Champ St munching the gorse from the beach access track towards the east along the roadside up to the fence-line. (Photos)
31 May 2017 - Daniel produced working maps of the area to be included in Fiona's management report.
The maps need to be read in conjunction with Todd's methodology.
(links to Maps and Methodology)
30 May 2017 - Email from Polly (NRMNorth) re catching up with Fiona (Parks) and expecting draft "Gorse Eradication Strategy for Seymour Wetlands Restoration" report. He mentions balancing Community and Contractor input. PWS and Green Army to monitor and trap feral cats in the area.
30 May 2017 - Rob from Tas Eco Mulching completed the second stage and another good 2+ ha of munching burnt gorse, extending the buffer from the wetland and preserving existing tree plantings. Quentin noticed a lot of the regrowth gorse in the burnt areas is now flowering and producing seeds.
29 May 2017 - TAS Eco Mulching continues mulching the first stage of the dense gorse clusters to extend the wetland buffer. BODC is contributing with mulching of the road verge.
27 May 2017 - Daniel Steiner has finalised the new wetland sign to be mounted on the existing sign structure at the car-park in August. (link to new design)
25 May 2017 - Chris Triebe BODC advised Quentin of the new road name changes i.e. Cooper Street, Bedggood Place and Maclean Road. No mention of Templestowe Street to replace Pedder Street.
22 May 2017 - Communication from BODC in regards to taking over the newly surfaced road along Cooper Street. Existing signage and turning circle to remain in place at "Apsley" house.
22 May 2017 - Site meeting with Quentin & Kerryn Smith, Todd Dudley from NEBN and Fiona Everts (Parks) to discuss draft "Gorse Eradication Strategy for Seymour Wetlands Restoration"
19 May 2017 - Kristina Freshney of BODC advised of the good news re the installation of a 50km/h speed sign requested for Champ Street.
17 May 2017 - Email to Garth Bennett (Parks FRU) after an unannounced placement of track block boulders in the wrong location.
3 May 2017 - Alison Hugo advises that Polly Buchhorn (both NRMNorth) is organising a meeting with Chris Thompson (Crown Services) and associated interest parties in the next week or so. This meeting is to finalise a decision for the outcome of the SCAGI NRMNorth grant application.
2 May 2017 - Car-park upgrade and resurfacing competed by Damon from Wallaroo with Quentin, Daniel and David assisting. (see photos under Pics) and
28 April 2017 - PMAT Meeting attended by Quentin and Kerryn Smith and Daniel Steiner.
27 April 2017 - Working-bee at northern side of the wetland with 9 people attending. Supported by Todd Dudley NEBN with donated tools and chemicals. Gorse cut and paste close to the wetland. (see photos under Pics)
24 April 2017 - Working-bee with Quentin, Warren and Daniel to prepare the car-park for upgrade and re-surfacing.
24 April 2017 - Fiona Everts (Parks) is the new Ranger for the Seymour Wetland and is representing National Parks.
22 April 2017 - Successful 3rd Meeting of SCAGI Members chaired by Quentin with Todd Dudley advising on planning matters.
21 April 2017 - BODC confirmation of successful $5000 Community Grant application.
19 April 2017 - Follow up spraying with Garlon of Blackberry by Melissa up to Pedder St turn-off.
4 April 2017 - Tim Reid sprayed verge of Champ St for BODC.
28 March 2017 - Todd and Quentin had meeting with Shelly Graham Head Ranger Freycinet National Park to discuss Management of Wetland Restoration Gorse Eradication Project. Submitted costings to PWS to secure funding to continue the work.
21 March 2017 - TAS Eco Mulching completed $2000 worth of mulching (extent see Photos). BODC Heather Worby meeting with Quentin and Tas Echo Mulching about mulching road verges.
14 Mar 2017 - Site meeting by Quentin with Heather Worby BODC and Tim Reid of Agriculture Spraying and Weed Control to discuss spraying of areas closer to the wetland which are not being mulched due to native regrowth.
6 Mar 2017 - Quentin and Todd marked the first area to be mulched by TAS Eco Mulching with confirmed start in the third week of March.
28 Feb 2017 - NRM North Community Grant Application finalised.
27 Feb 2017 - Earth Ocean Network Bichino kindly donated $500 to SCAGI.
25 Feb 2017 - Site visit by Tas Eco Mulching with Todd and David for a quote for mulching.
24 Feb 2017 - COMMUNITY GROUPS FORM ALLIANCE Klass and Andy, Quentin and Kerryn attended a meeting in Ross, with a large number of community groups. All agreed to form an alliance called "Planning Matters Alliance" to campaign for a balanced new Tasmanian Planning Scheme.
20 Feb 2017 - $ 2000 Grant received from DPIPWE for weed control.
14 Feb 2017 - DPIPWE Authority to work within the Crown Land Reserve for 12 month with a review for extensions.
16 Jan 2017 - BODC submission for Community Funding Grant.
14 Jan 2017 - SCAGI joined Landcare Tasmania and subscribed to their Bulk Insurance Scheme for our members.
* please use drop down key in header to go further back in time.