please scroll down for activities "back in time" or click on News-Action for other time periods
22 Dec 2018 - Melissa sprayed blackberry, gorse and removed thistles on the northern and southern side of Templestowe St near the culvert and as shown on the latest google aerial photo. (link to aerial map)
19 Dec 2018 - The proposed end of year SCAGI meeting was deemed unnecessary and postponed to the new year in April/May. We are also planning another Field Day around that time in 2019.
17 Dec 2018 - BODC have adopted the revised Dog Management Policy 2018. (Link to the policy)
Council declared and carried unanimously that the Declared Areas in the revised Dog Management Policy 2018, is to apply for a period of six (6) years, in accordance with the Dog Control Act 2000.
9 Dec 2018 - Melissa sprayed 4 hrs young blackberry on the south-eastern corner of the site between Champ St road reserve and Templestowe St. The fire in Aug 2017 set off a massive seed bank in this area among burnt tea trees. (link to aerial map)
6 Dec 2018 - SCAGI joined the East Coast Alliance at $10 yearly membership and contributed a donation of $100 for there good work on the Cambria Green objections.
6 Dec 2018 - Successful RACT Community Grant application. Daniel lodged an application for a $2500 grant and was informed that we were successful in receiving a grant of $1500 from RACT for continued weed control and re-seeding.
1 Dec 2018 - Daniel cut & pasted large gorse in tea tree stands to north of wetland and removed all flowering or visible lupin, except north-west corner of the site.
30 Nov 2018 - Three large box thorn weed bushes were cut & pasted by Daniel in the south eastern part of the site. For exact location please see link to aerial map above.
29 Nov 2018 - Quentin and Daniel conducted a survey of gorse regrowth on the whole site in response to an inquiry from All Weeds Solutions re the results of the winter spraying. Areas worked on during the working bee were identified and recorded subsequently on an aerial photograph by Daniel. (link to aerial map)
22 Nov 2018 - Melissa distributed blackberry granules opposite the car park at the access to the south beach. Daniel cut and collected Californian thistles along Champ St in the same area.
12 Oct 2018 - Thanks to all 20 people who came along and helped in the gorse today. We achieved so much and we really appreciated the help. Dave and Adrian please pass on our gratitude to your team.
It was great to work with you and learn from your experience and passion. Fiona, thanks for co-ordinating the Friends of Freycinet visit. Graeme please pass on our thanks to Andrew and give him our contact details in case he would like some help at Falmouth.
11 Oct 2018 - Successful working bee with 20 people. Started at 10am lunch at 12 and 10 continued on till 2.30pm. Some 8 members from Friends of Freycinet and others Friends of SCAGI. (link to photos)
5 Oct 2018 - Members of the Friends Of Freycinet Group have offered to help cutting and pasting gorse in the wetland restoration project area. The working bee is planned for Thursday the 11th October at 10am.
27 Sep 2018 - Reply from Minister Elise Archer MP. ...................I do want to acknowledge that the Deputy Secretary, Parl<s and Wildlife (PWS) has informed me of the outstanding work that the SCAGI has done on
the property to improve its conservation value and assures me that PWS will continue to work with your organisation to continue improving the property. I would encourage you to continue this collaborative work and to please contact me again when the weed infestation has been reduced to a small percentage of the property, so that the Department can reassess the proposal and possibly then recommend the change you desire.
11 Sep 2018 - Letter from Corporate Affairs with confirmation of the publishing and acceptance and of our amendments the the rules and constitution passed on 26 Aug 20 18 by SCAGI.
3 Sep 2018 - Annual return to Business Affairs TAS
26 Aug 2018 - A successful AGM was held at Quentin and Kez's house. Six members and two guests
were present and the office bearers and committee was re-elected with the only change being that Kerryn Smith is the the Public Officer as well as Secretary. The minutes will be distributed to the members present and will be available for viewing at the next meeting. The date for the next SCAGI meeting will be confirmed and is scheduled for between the 14 Nov 2018 and the 19 Dec 2018.
Future working bees will be announced as the dates get locked in.
24 Aug 2018 – Correspondence from Wildcare Sharon Stone PWS working on Volunteer Activity Statement which will be ready late September.
21 Aug 2018 – Hobart ECA Town Hall Meeting about Cambria Green.
20 Aug 2018 – Heather Worby BODC Weed Officer visit to inspect gorse on road verge.
17 Aug 2018 – Received $120 from Landcare as an LAP Grant.
16 Aug 2018 - Working bee with new residents and members Allison and Paul cutting and pasting with Kez Quentin and Daniel in the vicinity of the the first SCAGI working bee area.
14 Aug 2018 - Cut and paste gorse along the western perimeter of the wetland by Quentin and Daniel.
13 Aug 2018 - Cut and paste gorse and lupin along northern perimeter of the wetland by Daniel.
7 August 2018 – Friends Of Freycinet Group visited Restoration Project on way to do Sea Spurge Survey. Offered to return in October to help with gorse. Suggested we join Wildcare.
7 Aug 2018 - Quentin cut & pasted gorse along the beach track and the norther side of Champ St and around the car park.
31 July 2018 - Landcare Grant application submitted. Outcome to be announced early Sept 2018
24 July - Notification to all members of the next AGM @ 26 Aug 2018. Including attachment of Agenda and Minutes of the last meeting with a special resolution to make changes to the constitution.
17 July 2018 - Notification from DPIPWE of $2057 grant for payment of ALL Wees Solutions invoice for spraying gorse in the north-west corner.
17 July 2018 - Reply from Elise Archers MP's Office in regard to the extension of the Conservation area.
13 July 2018 - Email from Anthony Mann DPIPWE about reclassification of Crown land to Conservation Area.
12 July 2018 - Quentin cut & pasted gorse around south-east edge of treated area from Champ St past picnic site heading north along western side of swamp.
7 July 2018 - Membership application by Allison and Paul Peacock the new residents on Macquarie St. We extended an invitation to our next meeting on Aug. 26th
5 July 2018 - Quentin did a walk through gorse survey and cut and pasted some flowering gorse.
3 July 2018 - Eastcoast Alliance ( www.eastcoastalliance.com.au ) updates on the Cambria Green Specific Area Plan progress.
2 July 2018 - Receipt from TAS Consumer Affairs office for SCAGI's Annual Return of Association
29 June 2018 - Invoice received from All Weed Solutions for ($2057) spraying of the north-west corner.
25 June 2018 - Kez attended BOD Council meeting in St Helens and read Daniel's letter at the meeting.
Council voted for the recommendation of non-funding for SCAGI.
22 June 2018 - Letter to the BODC re Agenda item 06/18.14.4 for the council meeting on the 25 June.
Daniel questioned the recommendation of non-funding for the SCAGI weed project.
13 June 2018 - News from Sophie Underwood (PMAT) re ABC 's 7:30 report on the proposed Cambria Green development / rezoning at Swansea - Dolphin Sands. Submissions to council close @ 14 June 5PM
12 June 2018 - Paul from All Weed Solutions has been spraying the remaining north-west corner and gorse re-growth over the whole site since Sunday 10th of June. David Quon assisted with
fresh water refills from his tanks for the whole operation.
5 June 2018 - Submission to "SUEZ Community Grants" for $6000 funding request for the continuation of weed management. If successful the provision of funds will take place before the end of August 2018.
24 May 2018 - Successful re-scheduled AGM at Andy and Klaas's house. Office bearers and committee members were re-elected without change.
23 May 2018 - Response from Alison Hugo, NRMnorth re the "final grant report" acknowledging the field day photos.
22 May 2018 - Melissa makes use of a low wind morning to spray gorse re-growth with her back-pack - see yellow shaded area on the map link below. Further cut and paste of larger plants was done in team-work in the afternoon.
21 May 2018 - Daniel cut and pasted most flowering gorse plants which he mapped the day before.
20 May 2018 - Field survey of gorse re-growth by Daniel, followed by mapping the re-growth in the sprayed areas and the flowering gorse plants. (map link)
19 May 2018 - Quentin heard from Kate Hickey, Hydro Tasmania that his Community Grant Application for $5000 was unsuccessful.
18 May 2018 - Quentin and Kez attended the PMAT meeting in Ross. Incorporation and Constitution was agreed to, with minor amendments.
9 May 2018 - Full payment confirmation by DIPWE for spraying of gorse by All Weed Solutions. Maurice ensures to treat any misses. (email 2 May)
8 May 2018 - Quote from Maurice for $860 +GST for the additional north-west gorse areas.
7 May 2018 - Maurice from All weed Solutions met with Daniel on site to quote for the spraying of remaining gorse in the north-west corner which haven't been mulched and are flowering after the burn. (photos)
1 May 2018 - Committee meeting at Klaas and Andy's house at Piccaninny, we discovered the lack of a quorum and decided to schedule a new AGM on the 24 May 2018, 1630 at Piccaninny. Invitations were sent out the same evening.
29 April 2018 - A well attended Field Day of 29 people, young and old was enjoyed on a glorious autumn day. After a working bee collecting rubbish and cutting & pasting gorse we joined for a delicious BBQ lunch. Three guest speakers spoke after lunch. Dr. Toni Furlonge (NRMNorth) collected and analysed new water samples from the wetland, to compare with previous samples taken 6 years ago. Todd Dudley encouraged us to keep up the good work and summarised the project methodology for all guests. Dr. Eric Woehler (BirdLife Tasmania), informed us on the Shorebird population in the area and the importance of safeguarding their habitat. Fiona Everts and John a Visitor Reception Officer from Parks and Wildlife Services (PWS) were also present. Fiona presented us with an updated version of the "Gorse Eradication Strategy for Seymour Wetland Restoration". (link to photos)
19 April 2018 - Kylie A Lemin advised for Phil Thompson (Parks) Crown Land Services, about the extension of the Authority for weed removal by SCAGI on the Seymour Wetland Crown Reserve.
17 April 2018 - Advice by Chris Hughes from BODC Community Funding Program 2017/18 that at the last Council Meeting our Grant application as deemed unsuccessful. She asked for additional information which was mostly included in the grant application. Quentin supplied her with all requests other than our meeting minutes.
13 April 2018 -Landcare Tasmania has confirmed our insurance cover for SCAGI as part of the bulk insurance scheme for 2018 current till 1 April 2019.
10 April 2018 - Completion report submitted to NRMNorth re the SCAGI 2017/18 grant funding. Alison emails she will reply with some feedback.
4 April 2018 - Request to Phil Thompson for an update on the submission for further funding and to undertake work on the Crown Land Reserve for 2018/2019.
3 April 2018 - Final follow up of spraying by All Weed Solutions. Total invoice $3850 Chemicals partly supplied by SCAGI from PWS.
5 March 2018 - All Weed Solutions returned for one day of follow up spot spraying with one man.
29 March 2018 - Landcare Tasmania has informed that our insurance has been processed as part of the bulk insurance scheme for 2018 current till 1 April 2019.
28 Feb 2018 - Annie Tills from Crown Land Services acknowledged receipt of the Works and Funding Application with the following references: CLS file: 254945 / Document number: H816506 / CLAIMS number: 11135
23 Feb 2018 - In reply to Phil Thompson's email request Quentin supplied him with the necessary documents for an application to undertake Works on Crown land at Seymour for 2018 and request further funding.
21 Feb 2018 - Quentin prepared and submitted Hydro Tasmania - Community Grant Application for $5000. Notification of the results will be by 31 May 2018, contact Kate.Hickey@hydro.com.au
21 Feb 2018 - Renewed Land Care Membership for 2018/19
23 & 24 Jan 2018 - All Weed Solutions 2 men one spot spraying one boom spraying. The chemicals are partly supplied by SCAGI sourced from PWS. Quentin in attendance to show areas to be sprayed.
7 Jan 2018 - Daniel and Quentin put pen to paper to map the spot sprayed areas by BSBC in preparation for the boom spray contractor arriving. (link to the maps in pdf) see also under heading Links-Files
5 Jan 2018 - Quentin is investigating possible boom spray operators and the decision is made to spray the remaining mulched areas by Maurice from All Weed Solutions including spot spraying and follow up.
3 Jan 2018 - Email sent to Phil Thompson - DPIPWE Crown Land Services by Todd Dudley to inquire about a previous email sent on 11 Dec 2017 with update of project and request for further funding for the Seymour Wetland area. Reply: I've referred your request to management, I'll let you know when I hear back.
2 Jan 2018 - Quentin is starting to organise SCAGI's first Field Day / Picnic planned for the 29th of April with guest speakers Eric Woehler, Toni Furlonge and Todd Dudley confirmed.
2 Jan 2018 - Quentin Smith submits Break O’Day Council Community Funding Program application for $5000 together with six supporting documents.